Бесплатные университеты Чехии на английском языке. Ostrava University Ostrava Czech Republic
Обучение студентов в Чехии на английском языке в Техническом университете Острава. Остравский университет на английском языке.
Economic Policy and Administration -‐ Finance Faculty of Economics Bc.
Economic Policy and Administration -‐ Finance Faculty of Economics Master.
Economics and Management -‐ Marketing and Business Faculty of Economics Bc. Bachelor’s programs in English in the Czech Republic.
Economics and Management -‐ Marketing and Business Faculty of Economics Master.
Economics and Management -‐ European Business Studies Faculty of Economics Bc.
Systems Engineering and Informatics Faculty of Economics Master.
Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Bc.
Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Master.
Architecture and Construction Faculty of Civil Engineering Master. Master’s programs in English in the Czech Republic.
Mechanical Engineering -‐ Applied Mechanics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Master.
Острава университет на английском языке – student in the Czech Republic
Information and Communication Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bc.
Information and Communication Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Master.
Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bc.
Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Master.
Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics -‐ Geoinformatics Faculty of Mining and Geology Bc.
Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics -‐ Geoinformatics Faculty of Mining and Geology Master.
Остравский университет на английском языке. Czech student
Geological Engineering Faculty of Mining and Geology Bc. Bachelor’s programs in English in the Czech Republic.
Geological Engineering Faculty of Mining and Geology Master.
Mining -‐ Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization Faculty of Mining and Geology Bc.
Mining -‐Mining Engineering Faculty of Mining and Geology Master. Master’s programs in English in the Czech Republic.
Mineral Raw Materials -‐ European School for Brownfields Technical Redevelopment Faculty of Mining and Geology Master.
Metallurgical Engineering Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Master.
Process Engineering Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Master.
Economics and Management of Industrial Systems Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Master.
Технический университет Остравы в Чехии на английском языке
Materials Engineering Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Master.
Nanotechnology University Study Programmes Bc. Education for a bachelor in the Czech Republic in English.
Nanotechnology University Study Programmes Master.
Mechatronics University Study Programmes Bc.
Mechatronics University Study Programmes Master.
Программы и специальности университета University of New York in Prague
Специальности Anglo-American University in Prague на английском языке